You can pay virtually any business or individual with a mailing address within the United States and Puerto Rico. For example, you can pay utilities, cable bills or credit cards, or individuals such as a landlord, babysitter or relative.
Not enrolled in Online Banking? Simply complete the Contact Us form with the message "Enroll in Online Banking" and we'll take care of the rest.
Bill Pay functions are also available on the Midstates Bank mobile app.
To start using Bill Pay:
The first step is to add a payee, the person or company you wish to pay.
Here’s how easy it is:
1. Log in to your account and click the "Bill Pay" link.
2. Click the "Add a Payee" button on your home page dashboard.
3. Enter the requested information. Typically, this information can be found on your latest bill statement.
You can easily pay a person through Bill Pay.
To get started:
• Log in to your online banking and select "Bill Pay."
• Click the "Pay a person" link on the dashboard.
• The next screen will provide you a payment choice: Email (electronic), Direct Deposit (Electronic) or Check (mailed)
• Fill in the payee’s name, email, phone number and select which account the amount will be paid from.
• The payee will provide their routing and account number.
• Paid within 1-2 business days.
Direct Deposit:
• Fill in Payee’s name, account number, routing number and account type.
• Paid within 1-2 business days.
• Fill in Payee’s name, address, phone number.
• Check mailed to provided address within 5-7 business days.
Not enrolled in Online Banking? Simply complete the Contact Us form with the message "Enroll in Online Banking" and we'll take care of the rest.
Why are you “locked out”? It’s because the Multi-Factor Authentication
Security Questions for Online Banking were answered incorrectly at some point.
Contact Midstates Bank to be unlocked.