Minden Iowa Relief Fund

Midstates Bank aids in donation collection

 Following the April 26th storms, Minden, Iowa and neighboring communities are in need of our support more than ever. Midstates Bank, in partnership with The Community Foundation for Western Iowa, is aiding in the collection of donations to assist local nonprofit organizations and recovery efforts. All bank locations, including our recently reopened Minden branch, are accepting donations.
Donations are currently being accepted:
Circle icon with State of Iowa and heart placed in Southwest corner of state being held by a hand.


At any Midstates location
Checks payable to 'MINDEN RELIEF FUND'
Circle icon with two credit cards


Via credit card

Circle icon with mail


Midstates Bank
300 Front Street
Neola, IA 51559

Want to help other communities impacted?

SOUTHWEST IOWA COMMUNITIES -  The fund at the Community Foundation for Western Iowa is a philanthropic response to the increasing needs throughout Pottawattamie County due to the catastrophic tornadoes that tore through the region on April 26. Iowa West matching funds will provide relief to individuals impacted in Pottawattamie County.  

SHELBY COUNTY, IOWA - The Shelby County Community Foundation has established the Tornado Relief Fund in collaboration with the Shelby County Emergency Management and the Shelby County Board of Supervisors. 

Midstates Bank is a full-service financial institution with branches throughout western Iowa.